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click picture for AYCARDUS website
Meister Eckhart

Friday, April 23, 2010

Search for Aycardus

Well after a month of waiting for search engines to register I am pleased to say that you can now find the Aycardus Project on your google search and we are working on the others as well.

I cannot believe that it has been over a month since my last post but Easter travels kept me away from the blog.  During this time however I did meet with some of the project members in Denver working on the translation of Eckhart's sermon and to continue work on the translation of the Mayer article.  My hope is that these might be available this summer.

One of our consultors, Markus Vincent, sent a press release with information on Eckhart's ecclesiastical status and his rehabilitation.  It is posted on Markus's  site and worth reading.  I am amazed at the number of people, even scholars, who continue to erroneously believe that Meister Eckhart was a heretic and that he was excommunicated. 

Projects are continuing as we still are taking shape.  As you can imagine a new venture takes a little time to get going but I am confident that soon we will have the kinks worked out of the systems.

If you are interested in initiating a project do not hesitate to contact me.  The AYCARDUS Project is meant to be a kind of academic cooperative and really depends on the contributions of its members and friends to make the things happen.  Every little bit helps, so if you are even remotely thinking of Meister Eckhart and his Dominican sources this is the place to float your ideas and to network with others who share your interests.  Anyone with dusty, underused skills in translation Latin, German, or other languages, know that your help is needed in making valuable resources available to the English speaking community and its research into Eckhart.

Well until next time. . .

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