click picture for AYCARDUS website

click picture for AYCARDUS website
Meister Eckhart

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Project Consultants

I am pleased with the responses from noted scholars who are very interested in the AYCARDUS Project and who are willing to serve as consultants. They are an international body and bring to the project an expertise in medieval history, medieval manuscripts, medieval philosophy, Latin, German, Thomas Aquinas, Meister Eckhart and more. Watch for the listing of these consultants on our website

We are working on getting the AYCARDUS Project into the web search engines so it will be easier to find. (Any help in this tech area is appreciated.)

Seeking Translators: Looking for anyone with the skills and interest to work on translating two Latin text and one sermon. This could be a great project for a Latin class, a religious community, or a retired teacher. There are so many valuable works and articles not accessible to most of the English world that even a basic translation will help in the projects efforts. So don't think you have to have the critical, definitive translation. The project members will be able to bring together their various talents to improving even an unpolished effort. "Many hands make light the labors" and in promoting the study of Dominican sources in Meister Eckhart, this project is meant to be a cooperative of hearts and hands and minds.

Help promote the project:
Please email this blog to interested friends.

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